Xploration Centre:

Welcome to the Future of Education.

You are here, because you’ve experienced the current paradigm of education, and you want and need something different for your own children.

This is why we created a new model that actually prepares children for the world that is emerging, and connects them to nature, themselves, and community.

A place where children feel safe and encouraged to be themselves and are supported to foster their passions and purpose.

Where at the forefront of learning, love leads the way.


 Why do we need a transformation in education?

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1. The current education model is outdated; it has been for a while.

The Industrial Era called for an education model that pumped our factory workers, and that’s exactly what it did. Students were forced to fit in boxes that supressed their creativity, passion and self-awareness.

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2. The world that is emerging requires a new kind of human.

As Albert Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. The world that is emerging requires a new way of thinking and being. This kind of human is deeply loving, always learning, and strongly connected to the natural world.

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3. A fresh approach is needed to support the future generations.

Education systems need to work with students, rather than against them. At Xploration Centre, we understand that every child sees the world differently, and we honor these differences to benefit the individual and world at large. In this way, children grow to be confident in themselves, their gifts and their purpose in the world.

“Every child is born a genius. It is my conviction, having watched many babies grow up, that all humanity is born a genius and then becomes de-geniused by unfavorable circumstances.”

- Buckminster Fuller

The Xploration Centre Approach

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Xploration Centre is currently operating on Vancouver Island.

Our focus is to create a new paradigm of Education where children are grounded in a loving home-base, while also immersed in an abundance of nature.

We acknowledge and thank the Lkwungen People, also known as the Songhees, Esquimalt, and Beecher Bay First Nations communities, for allowing us to live, work and play on their lands.



Everyday we gather in our special space and collectively create our day together. Students find comfort in the familiarity and flexibility to play, learn, question and discover.



We believe that nature is our greatest teacher. In different natural landscapes, we make ample time to explore, gather, collect & connect beneath the sky.



Students learn about growing food, regenerative practices and healthy eco-systems in our homebase garden. We grow, plant, dig & cultivate daily! We also take seasonal trips to local farms.

We are currently pausing admission for Xploration Centre.

We are still actively working on the Future of Education! Stay in the loop with news and updates by entering your email below.

Meet The Founders:

Gordy and Sukhi Bal.

Gordy & Sukhi Bal were inspired to create Xploration Centre for their own three children.

As an entrepreneur and visionary, Gordy knew the traditional education system wouldn’t prepare his children for the world that was emerging.

As a love-centred counsellor and coach, Sukhi felt the deep need for her sons to be fully supported and empowered in their own unique Genius.

Together, they created the vision for Xploration Centre, and embarked on a mission to create a new paradigm of education.


Meet Our Wisdom Council

Every team needs guidance, which is why we sought out exceptional leaders to support our vision. Our wisdom council is made up of world-renowned experts in the fields of education, child development and parenting, who have paved the way to create a better future for our children.


Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Bestselling author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family, and conscious parenting visionary.


Phillip Moore

Author of The Future of Children and director of Upland Hills School for 42 years. Mentored by R. Buckminster Fuller and Ram Dass.


Dr. Gabor Mate

Bestselling author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts and When The Body Says No, and childhood development expert.